Friday, April 15, 2016

My Easter holiday

Hey guy's, welcome back! I told you that I'll have my next post done as soon as possible. This time I'm going to tell you about my Easter holiday's. The night before Easter I stayed up late with my dad at his house watching TV. We like our TV because it only has Netflix. Dad said I had to go to bed hour's earlier but I didn't move and he forgot. When it was later dad remembered that I had to go to bed so he told me and I started to moan. He said that the Easter bunny won't come because you have to be asleep because he doesn't want anyone to see him. So I walked to bed and went to sleep. 

In the morning I looked around my super messy room because we wouldn't clean anything  up after ourselves. When we were finished with something (which would be a toy). Any who we aren't talking about what my room looked like on this post. So when I sat up on the edge of my bed and looked around the room. On the top of my book shelf beside my bed next to the lamp, was a Easter bag with a Zebra on it with chocolate egg's inside. I shook my sister on the other side of the room trying not to stand on anything on the floor and she woke up. She had a bag with a panda on it. We got our bags and went into dad's room and my brother and dad were sleeping. They slept in it together! I shook dad only. He woke up. I then did the same  to my brother. My dad went back to sleep but my brother got up straight away and we went to go and watch Netflix. I got to chose first because we  have a race that the first one to get the remote gets to chose first. Of course since I'm the oldest, I'm faster then them so I always get to chose first. They are 5 and 3 year's old so they won't know. Hehe. 

We started scoffing chocolate egg's into our mouths. Dad didn't know that we were eating our eggs. When he woke up FULLY, he made us pancakes with real eggs from the fridge  and made them when mum arrived for breakfast. When dad had finished his first pancake I found a shape that shaped a sandwich. It was shaped like a love heart. So I used it for the pancake. The pancake was too small. Dad kept on making bigger and bigger pancakes until it fit. My brother and sister Ollie and Leila had a big fight for who got the other heart. I got them both since I was being a good girl and I wasn't fighting. I shaped another pancake in to an Easter egg with a knife. I also shaped a bunny head with two tall ears. I decorated them with maple syrup and jam. The pancakes were most delicious. We got dressed in to clothes. Since I have a vest with loads of bunnies on it and a white shirt from Australia and it has one bunny from a cartoon.I wore some short's and shoes. We got in mum's car and went to my little cousin's for a Easter hunt. My big cousin Jade went to university and we didn't see her for a while so she came for Easter and when we got there she was still sleeping. We had to play quietly with my other big cousin Bailey who is seventeen or sixteen year's old and my little cousin Leo who is three year's old and can never miss my  annoying sibling's: Leila and Ollie.

We went to the dairy with my uncle and got 1 jet plane. We got back and the Easter egg hunt was set up!!! Every one gathered up then we started. There were foot prints made of paper that we had to follow. The first part was under a bush. Then the foot prints steeped underneath the trampoline. It followed around the gate to the front of the house. There was a sign that said: Getting closer. We searched everywhere and couldn't find the last pack of Easter treat's! We were very shocked that the three year old's found them! They were under the BBQ and it was hard to find because it had the cover on! At the end of course we scoffed more egg's in our mouth and put on jewelry the Easter bunny gave us. It was the best day of my life so far!!!

I hope you liked my post about my Easter holiday!!!! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Trip to Wellington

Hey guy's! this is one of my favorite post and you'll know why. Because i'm going to tell you all about my trip to wellington!!! Before I tell you about wellington, I went to a fishing competition. My dad and his friend Shane loved it. Shane's family caught a fish!!!The competition was about who caught the biggest fish. While they were fishing, I found millions and millions of seashells! They were all kinds of shape's and size's. We decided it was so hot that we made a hut made of long branches that ape re on the beach. It was so big it fit my dad in!!! That afternoon,me,my dad,my cousin and my grandfather went to the prize giving, Shane got a spot prize but nothing else. We didn't get anything. My dad said "better luck next  time". When we got home I showed mum my seashells. While dad was unpacking the fishing gear, I started to get my wellington thing's ready. I packed my clothe's, my toy's , my camera and my own headphone's i got for Christmas along the way. Me, my nanny, my dad and my little brother and sister went in my dad's old flash red car. It wasn't to squishy because it was a big car and everything fit in the boot. We gave huge hug's to mum, and we started to head of. Once I got bored of reading my library book from school, I asked my nanny what I should do. She said to sleep because it will make it quicker to get there. Otherwise you can do some coloring. So I chose to do some coloring. I did a page with owl's. I did it for mum because her favorite animal is a owl.(I actually i haven't finished it yet but i think she'l love it!). Once we got to Wellington, we got to our hotel and the kind lady helped us with our bag's. Our room was on the 6th floor I think. There was a TV,two bedroom's,one  kitchen and one really fantasy bathroom. Me and my five year old sister Leila chose the bedroom that had a door that led strait to the bathroom.Dad and my three year old  brother Ollie chose, well, last bed the last bed standing. The first night, my dad got out the computer so me and Leila could watch A movie. Through the movie my sister fell a sleep so I turned on a scary movie that I know from top to bottom in my heart that it would be way to scary for her. In the morning we had breakfast, then we went to the museum and learnt  about earthquakes, dinosaur's, back in the day and the most giant squid in the world! I learnt how they make everything move in the movie's! They thought me and Leila how to do it. We got ten minutes to do it. My dad helped us a lot. After that we went to lunch at the museum. it was so nice! when we finished, we went back to the hotel and had a sleep because we were going to the military tattoo's that night!!! it was nearly time to go! I was so exited! We were nearly there and we were just finding a car park. Once we were inside the room with all the seat's, we found our's and as we waited, it began to get darker and darker into the night. Finally it started! the marching was amazing and the girl's highland dancing was just magnificent! The girl's were about in high school and intermediate school. There were people dressed in the army,air force and marching i think. at the end they gathered together and had a dance. once we got out, we had to wait a very long time to get our bus. After about two hour's in the cold it was twelve thirty at night and we were just heading in to our bus. When we got of our bus, we went to get McDonald's for dinner! We saved some of the left over's for breakfast. In the morning we ate our leftover's from the day before and we started to head home. I hope you like my second blog post 2016! If you want you can look at some of the picture's and video's we took in Wellington and fishing!!! :P 

this is us standing by a bran new famous motor bike.
 this is the time when they gathered up all together ready for the end of the show

this my sister Leila trying to make something move at the museum.

 this is when they started the outstanding show.
this is a group of the highland dancer's dancing to the magnificent music.

 this is us eating McDonald's for a midnight snack at the hotel.

i hope you liked my post! i'll have next post down as soon as possible.